Application Modernization

Business needs

Magnifying glass

INSERM came to us to assist in simplifying their existing evaluation procedures and enhancing the attractiveness of careers. Several of its existing applications no longer met its needs and its stringent security and administration requirements. This was vitally important, given the applications related to assessment, maintenance and competition processes.  So when INSERM partnered with us to deal with this challenge, we were eager to help them solve it.



We reviewed their existing ecosystem and realised that they had applications which shared functions and audiences and these could be consolidated. With five apps to bring together into a cohesive whole, we had to ensure that the teams were aligned across:

  • Functional and design specifications
  • Technical design
  • Development
  • Data recovery
  • Change management


We also used several technologies to provide the right solution for our client:

  • Angular
  • J2EE
  • JBPM
  • Jahia
  • MySQL


Over the course of 2,500 man/days of development, we successfully created one application to replace the existing solutions. This unified two web portals, a BPM Tool and two EDMs. This significantly improved the experience for End Users and simplified access to our client's services.