BPO - Case Swivel


Business Need

Magnifying glass

We were tasked with standardizing and centralizing the process for case management and deployment. We knew that the volume of cases and deployments would vary over time so we needed to a customized model that was flexible and cost-effective.


We established a Deal Operations Team and concentrated on the Supplier model for our Remote Management Center agents.

We recruited, trained and developed a team of Case coordinators and a Team Leader, using a Managed Services framework to deliver a cohesive coordination service. This team was able to coordinate the entire EMEA Customer Support aspect of the business. This featured:

  • Full Outsourcing – we took on the risks

  • A dedicated and experienced Team Leader - we created this role in order to secure a smooth transition of all operational activities

  • Accurate KPI and SLA Tracking Solutions - these were developed as a service enhancement and provided the client with additional value and the ability to see the results of our work while trusting us to deliver excellence

  • Clear Governance model - this was crucial to our work. The model we put in place meant we were able to fully support more than 3,000 cases at a rapid pace while delivering a 95% rate of quality assurance (the average rate across six months).


We have established the knowledge repository, induction training materials, conducted the operational training for all employees involved. We've also set up the necessary hardware and software environments.

We have also managed to successfully adjust and accommodate the additional requirements of the client hours of operation, language requirements, and adjusting the service scope.

As a result, our client and its customers were (and continue to be) extremely satisfied. We have achieved:

  • 15,000+ End Customers supported across EMEA
  • 3,000+ Cases worked on per month
  • 94% Time to Own over six months
  • 97% Service Requests Time to Own over six months
  • 95% Quality Assurance over six months
  • Ongoing service enhancement initiatives developed on a score card basis